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Do Fragrances Affect Productivity?

Believe it or not, Japanese studies have shown that fragrances affect productivity in workplaces. The study that they performed consisted of using aromatherapy among their employees, which not only energised them but increased how efficient they were.

Whether it be the smell of fresh strawberries or an intoxicating minty scent, the Japanese have managed to prove the advanced use of “smells”.

If you’re interested in this concept and are hoping to incorporate it into your workplace, contact Alsco to find out how you can improve your workplace’s air quality.

Good Smelling Air and Bad Smelling Air

Olfactory sensitivity” is an important factor when considering how much you enjoy food, as well as when looking into certain environments.

For example, if you are looking at real estate and the property you’re looking at smells unpleasant, depending on the smell you could feel nausea, a headache coming on, or even losing your appetite. Even if the smell is ever so slight, the room can make you uneasy.

If you are uncomfortable in a certain environment, it could be the result of environmental conditions. For example, if your property is next to a busy road or a construction site, if your building has air condition (which it most likely has) then your more than likely to have an unpleasant smell filtering through your office at one point or another. Offices are often next to industrial areas, which is where these smells can be commonly found.

It’s also important to note that a lot of these smells are smells that are given off by harmful fumes, so taking care of them is in your best interests.

In case a school is your workplace, learn how to provide adequate school washroom odour control and meet all the other necessary legal requirements.

How Can You Deal With It?

There are many ways to get rid of these odours. Whether it’s through physical means or chemical means.

The most popular method that you’ll find is ventilation. While it’s often best to minimise the ventilation intake, in a lot of the hotter climates you will be tempted to increase the use of ventilation.

On the other hand, removing odours by using chemicals are generally harmful (unless they contain only natural ingredients).

Sprays such as aerosol sprays contain a variety of harmful chemicals which come with their own set of side effects such as headaches, skin reactions, or triggering an allergic reaction.

Researchers have produced a study proving that Volatile Organic Compounds have shown to cause not only headaches but depression and possibly even asthma in babies.

Clean and Go Green!

Alsco’s Odour Control systems allow you to not only get healthier air in the workplace but completely safe and green air. This product is the first-ever oxygen-based dispenser.

This means that the air freshener doesn’t use any unsafe products or toxic ingredients which can cause harm to your workers.

The refills used for this product uses only pure and concentrated fragrance oils (roughly six times more than other aerosols).

This reduces the amount of Volatile Organic Compounds that are given off by up to 90%. There are no other air fresheners that used an oxygen-based delivery system in a way like this.

In simpler terms, this is not only safer, healthier, and environmentally-friendly, it is also beneficial to your employees. Giving them better health and a productive day.

A healthier workplace means healthier workers and furthermore, less sick employees. An air freshener like this can help you reduce the carbon footprint of an office and even better, it can help you achieve LEED building certification.

Why Wait, Get it Now!

We are very confident in ourselves when we say that an Alsco Odour Control system is the answer to improving the air quality within your workplace. After you have experienced it for yourself, you’ll agree with us!

Keep your workplace smelling good and healthy, send us an enquiry. Our friendly and informed staff are waiting to help!

Image Courtesy: Flickr Image by Flower Factor

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