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beyond profit, connecting with our planet, our people, our community

The global business and political environment is changing at a rapid pace

Alsco NZ has released our ‘Sustainability Update 2021’ in November. This document outlines our progress towards the 4 Big, Bold Sustainability Goals and features some of our community initiatives.


Alsco is committed to the reduction of its energy usage and subsequently, its carbon footprint. To achieve this, we work closely with our employees, customers, and the community. We partner with our suppliers and contractors to understand and comply with community and legislative expectations and regulations. We do not just meet industry environmental standards – we constantly strive to exceed them and encourage our employees, clients, and business partners to help us do so.

Alsco has worked with the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA) to launch energy saving initiatives, whilst also being courageous to adopt and test newer technologies. This includes but is not limited to, the uptake of the first long-distance intercity heavy EV freighter in New Zealand, moving to a wood-pellet boiler in the processing facility in Nelson, and has amalgamated two old inefficient plants into one efficient processing facility in Richmond.

With EECA’s support, Alsco has also employed an energy management graduate. The company will, with assistance from our graduate, reduce energy usage by 2 GWh at the end of the programme. This corresponds to approximately 3% of Alsco’s entire energy usage and is equivalent to switching off 220 million LEDs or powering 18,000 Electric Vehicles.

In 2018, Alsco committed to four Big Bold Sustainability Goals to guide the business through to the year 2030.


Outlets for goods that would have previously ended up in landfill.


Outlets for goods that would have previously ended up in landfill.
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Giving Back

Million Metres Streams Project

Giving Back

Million Metres Streams Project
Click Here

What people say...

Some of the other community organisations we help

What people are saying...

Some of the other community organisations we help
Click Here

Alsco – innovators and promoters of low carbon services and products; enabling and supporting a shift to a net zero carbon economy

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