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10 Ways Your Business Can Benefit From Your Washroom

Who cares about workplace washrooms, right? Well, a lot of people. Perhaps employers are not considering this, but they are exactly the sort of people who should.

Of course, washrooms might not be the first thing a customer encounters. After all, they came to do business.

On occasion, they might need to use your restroom and the state of it will tell them a lot about your business.

It can go as far as losing a customer since word of mouth is a powerful tool. In order for your customers to get the best experience, it is worth considering a washroom service.

Here is a list of 10 ways for your business to benefit from clean workplace washrooms:

1. The Devil is in the Detail

What are the most common areas for customers to find themselves at? Anyone will tell you that these are:

  • Lobby
  • Customer service area
  • Meeting room

It is up to you to keep them neat and leave a great impression. Another area that is not on the list is the workplace washrooms. If you really want to prove you pay attention to detail, start there. It will bring you a world of good.

If all the areas that customers frequent are equally well-maintained, this proves a lot. It leaves an impression of cleanliness and care.

2. Managerial Excellence

A recent survey showed something very important when it comes to washroom experiences. Almost three-fourths of customers link the bad experience and bad management. Imagine what this does to the opinion of your company.

The survey also says that a high level of maintenance is the best way to impress customers. This is something that must be done in order to keep the image of your company. Once you get the bad reputation, it is difficult to get rid of.

The same is not only applicable to offices but to schools and other institutions, as well.

If you happen to manage a school, you’d want your school washroom to meet all the legal requirements. What’s more, you’d want it to bring about your employees and students’ health and safety, which will boost your and the school’s reputation, right?

F&C School Washroom Guide will equip you with all the knowledge and tools you need to achieve this goal, so make sure you refer to it.

3. Profit is Not All You Care About

Do you care about your customers? A well-maintained workplace washroom will certainly prove that. The customers will feel this. The fact that you have put in the extra effort will be appreciated. They know restrooms do not make money and that they are not at the top of your necessities list.

You clients and your customers are well aware of your business qualities. Otherwise, they would not be doing business with you. That is why this additional care can only bring more customers and more profit.

4. Hard work and Efficiency Go Hand in Hand

Clean and well-maintained workplace washrooms are a sign of a hardworking and efficient team. On the other hand, they might think you are not running a tight ship if the restroom is in poor condition.

Imagine being in the shoes of the customer. Should they trust you if you cannot make sure your facilities are clean? It sends a poor message and gives an impression of inefficiency.

green floor mop and a shiny mahogany floor

Image from: Pexels by Pixabay

5. Does Cleanliness Matter?

If your aim is to demonstrate that you value hygiene, you need a well-kept washroom. This is twice as important if you are running a restaurant, for example. The message of an immaculate restroom is the message of an immaculate kitchen. Customers will give you points for both.

6. Trustworthiness is An Ally

Customer trust is one of the most difficult things to achieve. As they become more educated, the customers will see through any tricks.

You can consider the effort put into keeping the washroom clean an investment. You are investing in the future trust that the customers will have in your company. This is why it is important not to go stingy when it comes to the washroom area.

7. How Much do your Customers Matter to You?

Another interesting point of view is whether customers are getting their money’s worth. If you keep the washroom sparkling, they will feel their money is well spent and they will want to give you more of it. This is why their overall experience should matter.

8. Are You Concerned About Health?

One of the most important reasons for cleanliness are germs. Washrooms are a potential breeding ground for bacteria. The last thing you want is a customer catching something while visiting.

Spotless washrooms are your way of showing customers you care about their health. This is a statement that will not be ignored by them.

happy group of young adult talking in a cafe

Image from: Flickr by javi_indy

9. A Happy Customer is a Returning Customer

Would you return to a place sporting smelly restrooms? Think about how your customers feel. If you keep your washrooms clean, you will keep the customers coming back. Do not get written off because of something so simple.

10. Social Responsibility is Your Secret Weapon

Why not take things one step further and create a statement of social responsibility when it comes to your washroom. Try any of the following:

These will go a long way in showing the social responsibility of your business. Customers know how to appreciate that.

Thinking about improving your washroom experience for customers? See what Alsco has to offer in that department.

Photo: prostooleh

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