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5 Unusual Ways of Looking at Employee Health

You know what they say: health is wealth. The term “bottom line“ can often be heard in many companies. It refers to the importance of profitability in any business-related job and field.In other words, it is the result of employees’ hard work, and being so, it shows how important employee health really should be to every company.

The good thing is that, nowadays, many companies truly are emphasising the importance of employee health, and it’s not just about physical health anymore but the mental one as well.

A recent Workforce and Virgin Pulse survey has shown that many people (48.4 percent) consider their physical, mental, and emotional health to be closely related to one another. With all that in mind, here are five aspects that influence your employees’ well-being, which you might find surprising.

1. Hygiene

Many companies offer their employees gym memberships, health plans, etc. However, as nice as those things are, they aren’t the ones you should be focusing on. Poor health comes from poor hygiene, so instead of trying to improve your employees’ health, focus on preventing illnesses in the first place.

For example, if you work in a school, you can use this School Washroom Guide to figure out the role of a properly sanitised washroom in improving employees and students’ health and safety.

Installing hygienic systems like those from Alsco’s washroom service line will go a long way when it comes to dealing with contaminants and bacteria that tend to float around the office.

Alsco’s Fresh & Clean offers a thorough assessment that will allow us to offer you products and services that are tailor-made with your company and your employees’ needs in mind.

2. The Financial Aspect

Having a steady paycheck is great, but it doesn’t do much for those employees who are struggling with their budget. Feeling financially secure and in control can greatly help reduce the stress levels of your employees, and everybody knows that stress can harm one’s health in many ways.

Although you can’t change the bad habits of your employees who spend more than they can afford, you can reduce the need for spending by offering affordable and healthy food in your office. Another thing you can do is invest in seminars and programs that can teach your employees some basics in terms of budgeting and help them become smarter with their money.

3. Useful Skills

Working in an office can sometimes become exhausting and boring, so if you really care about your employees’ well-being, provide them with options that can help them improve themselves and their lives. Organising and going to seminars and lectures can boost your employee morale, increase their happiness, and teach them something new.

For example, you can sign up for Alsco training programs that will provide your employees with a little extra in regards to their work routine.

Alsco’s First Aid course is also a great option, as it makes employees feel more confident in case of emergencies both at work and outside the office. Include the Emergency Response & Evacuations course and your employees will feel much safer at work.

4. The Importance Of Feelings

How a person acts often depends on how they feel. So, if there is something bothering your employees, they are more likely to become ill and unable to do their best at work. Of course, you, as their employer, should try to help them. This might sound a bit complicated as you can never know how bad it really is and you can never fully understand something you’ve never felt.

However, the point is to help them help themselves by encouraging them to visit your HR department or if it’s something serious, talk to a counsellor. Never underestimate the effect of psychological trauma on a person’s well-being.

5. Comfortable Environment

Working in a beautiful, well-lit office with plants and big windows is not the same as working in an old, smelly place that looks like it could fall apart at any moment. Workplace matters, and it’s not difficult to make it comfortable.

Consider something like Alsco’s Odour Control system. This automatic, wall-mounted air freshener dispenses a measured dose of fragrance at intervals that you can program and control.

We all know that smells can affect our mood. So, introduce pleasant scents into your workplace, since they will relax your employees and make them feel better while at the same time eliminating any unpleasant smells that would otherwise surely affect their mood.

For over 50 years, Alsco has been the only company to call on when you need a wide range of reliable, affordable, and highly personalised services for your business. Alsco covers a wide range of services from commercial linen to uniform rentals.

We also provide hygienic systems that tend to the needs of your employees when it comes to comfort, hygiene, and good health.

Contact Alsco now if you care about upgrading your employee care programs. Our friendly customer service staff will find the best and the most affordable solution for you!

Photo courtesy of Freepik Images by Freepik Exclusive

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