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5 Great Heart-Healthy Snacks for Workplaces

As years pass by people realise that being healthy has to be one’s top priority. Nowadays, you can see more and more famous people, TV shows and newspaper articles that talk about a healthy lifestyle.

Sleeping well, doing some kind of exercise and eating healthy are things you have to do in order to be healthy and have good life quality.

However, people find that it is very challenging to have a healthy lifestyle while at work. The biggest problem is said to be the food and snacks they eat while at work.

When you spend almost all day in the office it can be very tiring and very often people find the easiest thing is to eat fast food. Many of them do not even want to walk to the nearest restaurant but they order in.

Considering the fact that lack of physical movement and eating fast food are two main causes of heart attack, you should really think about your lunch break more seriously. Go for a walk, eat well prepared healthy snacks at home and enjoy your lunch break.

Not only that you will do something good for your body, but you will also have more energy and be more productive at work. By following these simple rules, you can improve your life’s quality significantly.

There is an increasing number of businesses that want to ensure a healthy, green and safe workplace for their employees. They go to lengths to make improvements and some of them even offer healthy lunch options.

If you don’t have those options at work and you think that preparing healthy snacks at home is time-consuming and something complicated, here is the list of great healthy snacks which can be made at home very quickly and easily.

1. Oatmeal

Starting a day with oatmeal is the best thing to do to prevent a heart attack. Eating one bowl of oatmeal every day can reduce the level of cholesterol which is significant since cholesterol level increase is one of the causes of heart attack and stroke. The best thing is that it takes very little time to prepare a healthy oatmeal snack.

Oats, via their fibre content, remove the cholesterol from the digestive system and prevent it from building up in the bloodstream and ending up as plaque in the arteries.

They are full of antioxidants too, which slows down the time it takes for the LDL (low-density lipoprotein, or “bad cholesterol”) to become oxidised. In that way building up plaque in the arteries is prevented.

2. Nuts

Eating nuts during your work breaks is the best thing to do for your heart. Apart from containing unsaturated fatty acids and other nutrients, they are a really great, tasty snack too. Also, they are very easy to store and pack.

Nuts can lower the LDL level in the blood and may reduce the risk of developing blood clots that can cause a fatal heart attack.

However, 80% of a nut is fat, so although it is healthy it is still full of calories. That is why you have to be very careful with the size and number of nut portions you eat during the working week. You should also always choose raw and dry-roasted nuts over those prepared in oil.

3. Berries

Strawberries, blueberries and other berries are pure health. They are full of anthocyanins and flavonoids (antioxidants), which help in decreasing blood pressure and dilate blood vessels.

They are tasty and easy to pack. This is something you can always carry with you in case you need a good snack which will give you lots of energy.

4. Smoothies

Kale, spinach and other green vegetables are valuable for your health in general and especially for your heart. However, when preparing snacks for work, somehow people rarely think of the green gold they can carry with them.

So, the easiest way to consume all these nutritious veggies is to mix them with some other healthy ingredients into a nice smoothie. Put it in an appropriate container which you can easily carry around and you are good to go.



There are millions of recipes for tasty, healthy smoothies, so decide what is the best combination for you. However, you should not forget to add some yoghurt in your smoothie. It contains the probiotic bacteria which reduces the plaque build-up on the walls of arteries. The thicker the plaque build-up, the lesser space there is for blood to move through.

5. Dark chocolate

Believe it or not, you are allowed to have something sweet as a snack and not harm your overall health. Dark chocolate ( the one made up from 60-70% cocoa) contains flavonoids called polyphenols, which help in reducing clotting, blood pressure and inflammation.

However, you have to be careful since this does not apply to milk chocolate and other candy bars. So, when you crave for something sweet, freely go for a square of good, dark chocolate – satisfy your sweet tooth and protect your heart at the same time.

You will now definitely enjoy much more in your lunch breaks since you will have tasty and healthy snacks which are quick and easy to prepare.

However, in cases of emergency, it is good to have a portable defibrillator at your workplace. The easiest way to always have one of these and not to worry about it is to rent them. Alsco can help you with this!

Contact Alsco’s friendly representatives and find out the best offer and conditions.

Photo courtesy from Freepik Image by Nensuria

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