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Carpet Companies Show People How To Cut Down On Carbon Discharge And Water Use

Ray Anderson is the founder of Interface, one of the world’s largest carpet manufacturers. Back in 1994, he challenged his employees to pursue a bold new vision.

He wanted to be the first company to show the entire world that sustainability is the best solution for people, processes, products, places and profits.

He wanted to restore through the power of influence. This inspired him to launch the ‘Mission Zero’ campaign through his company.

Their aim was to zero out pollution, waste, and oil by 2020. Progress has been steady during the last 20 years. Interface volunteered to become the novice carbon offset market.

In 2011, Interface became the first carpet manufacturer to use 100% recycled yarn. Since then, they started to look for ways to reduce the environmental impact on production to promote the importance of going ‘Green’ in the workplace.

What does Waste Reduction do?

Since 1996, carpet factories reduced waste production which has resulted in an 84% decrease in total from Interface. As of 2012, seven out of nine factories operated with 100% renewable energy. In addition, 36% of total energy is being used from renewable sources.

Just recently, the European division of Interface has achieved ground-breaking results. The innovative sustainability targets were achieved last month at Interface’s European manufacturing facility in Scherpenzeel in The Netherlands. Carbon emissions cut by 90% and water usage reduced by 95%.

Unbelievable, right? The carpet company also uncovered that it was using 100% of its energy from renewable sources and had achieved zero waste to landfill at the Dutch site.

Director’s Feedback

An image of a carpet factory and its machines

Photo Courtesy from Flickr Image by Charles & Hudson

Ramon Arratia, European Sustainability director commented on the achievements of Interface. He said, ‘Today, at Interface Europe, we are announcing that we are of by 90% and water usage by 95% from January 1st 2014. It is possible, it’s here and it has happened in a carpet industry, which one could say is an extension of the petrochemical sector.’

Going ‘Green’ with Innovations

Going ‘Green’ with Innovations

Photo Courtesy from Flickr Image by Haldane Martin

Ramon Arratia also added that Interface Europe had achieved the reductions through a number of innovations, such as switching to green gas. He said the company was paying a premium for the gas, but the company could afford it because of the company’s productivity.

He said, “We are achieving the 90% carbon reduction with 60% productivity and 30% renewables, not the other way around.”

Green gas is produced by anaerobic digestion of fish waste. This will then be turned into natural gas and pumped into the gas grid. The other main innovation adopted at the Dutch manufacturing facility is an improved water recirculation system through closed-loop piping.

Eco-Friendly Solutions

Eco-Friendly Solutions

Photo Courtesy from Free Stock Image by Scott Bauer acquired from USDA ARS

Looking for eco-friendly solutions to help your company reduce waste production? Alsco just might be the answer to that.

Our business is committed to reducing environmental damage. We are always finding more modern ways to serve our customers. Our newest products are the Evolution Recycled Rubber Mats and the Ecosafe Parts Washer.

Our radical Evolution Mats are made from high-quality recycled ecological materials. Our water-based Ecosafe Washers exists in its own environment where oil and grease are transformed into water and carbon dioxide.

We are truly inspired by Interface’s success and we will continue our efforts to create more eco-friendly solutions.

For more information on all our products and services ask Alsco. Switch to a greener office today!


Photo Courtesy: Flickr Image by Ian McKellar

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