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What Everybody Ought to Know About Going Paper-Free in Your Office

You started your own business, hired people, decorated your working space, offices and washrooms.

Also, now you’ve decided to be more eco-aware in your business, so you want to make your office more Green.

Firsts steps usually include buying separate recycle bins for glass, paper, plastics and food, and replacing the light bulbs with energy-saving ones.

Excellent for a start, but you have to be aware there is a lot more you can do!

If you want to reach the level of a perfectly Green Office, reducing its carbon footprint to basically nil is a must! The best way to do this is to get rid of the office paper completely.

After you do this, you won’t get just a paper-free office, but that type of office is considered to be one of the most efficient working and administrative environments.

Fewer Tasks, More Money

There are many positive aspects of going paper-free, both practical and financial.

Practical benefits are numerous. For example, after you introduce a paper-free system, there will be no printing anymore, as well as no filing or storing a bunch of paperwork. As a result, there won’t be a need for so many filing cabinets or other storage spaces, which immediately means – fewer cleaning tasks.

You can then decorate those new empty spaces in your office with some plants or office trees. All the files can be easily saved on hard drives, servers or memory sticks.

There is always an option to set your computer to save all the documents automatically, so you won’t even have to spend time clicking on the “save” button!

Going Paper-Free in Your Office

After all, this also means more time for some other activities which is always a plus!

When it comes to financial benefits, the first, self-explanatory one is that you won’t spend money on paper supplies anymore. In addition, you won’t need so many shelves, closets and all other pieces of furniture which are used for file and document storage, so you don’t spend money on these.

According to one research, a typical US worker usually uses about 10,000 sheets of paper per year, which is approximately 2 cases of paper per employee.

If we take into account that an average price in the USA is about $40 for a case, the simple calculation tells us that each employee spends $80 per year just on paper.

Now do the maths and see how much money you could save with this simple step!

Nice numbers, right?

Benefits From Nature

The fact that trees give us the oxygen is very well-known, isn’t it? Also, trees are used for making and producing paper. Now, after going paperless in your office, could you even imagine how much you do for our environment?

Paper industry is the 2nd largest energy consumer. Do you remember the calculation mentioned above? So, if one employee approximately uses 10,000 sheets of paper and you have a thousand employees in your company, that’s 10 million pages only for one year.

Environmental impact of 10 million pages is 2,500 cut trees! A lot for one year and one average-sized company, wouldn’t you agree?

The whole idea of Going Green is to improve the environment. However, the greenest policy would be not just to reduce using paper in your office, but to remove it from the office entirely! After all, zero paper means zero trees need to be cut!

Remember, taking care of trees means taking care of your planet and the environment, but it also means taking care of yourself!

Go One Step Further with an Ecosafe Washer

After you implement this idea of going paper-free, why wouldn’t you go one step further with Alsco’s help?

Alsco offers a range of eco-friendly managed floorcare rental services. These mats are made of high-quality materials that can keep your workplaces clean, safe, hygienic and accident-free.

The Dust Control Mats can capture 80% of dirt, absorb three (3) litres of water and above all it will last for years. You can even consider Alsco’s Managed Rental service which includes regular cleaning, picking up and delivering products to your workplace.

Moreover, there’s absolutely NO risk at all since you have 2-week free trial for it. Do not miss this opportunity! Contact us Alsco now, and their friendly representatives will be happy to offer you the best solution for your needs!

Photo courtesy from Freepik Image by Katemangostar
Photo courtesy from Freepik Image by Katemangostar

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