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17 Easy Tips For Your Workplace And Employee Safety

Every good businessman knows the importance of workplace safety. We don’t want people to get hurt on their job, right?

To keep employees safe is the top priority when creating a clean and healthy workplace environment for them to enjoy working in.

It is also important to make sure that your workplace is in accordance with local regulations and standards.

They represent an assessment and mitigation of risks that may harm the health, safety or welfare of your employees.

These legal requirements are a must for every good business owner. They ensure a safe workplace for everyone – from employees to customers, contractors, visitors, volunteers and even suppliers.

Apart from complying with legal terms, the safety of the workplace is essential to the long-term success of any business.

A safe workplace helps:

  • Retain staff
  • Maximise productivity
  • Minimise sick leaves and absenteeism
  • Reduce the costs of injury and workers’ compensation

You can always do something to make sure that all your employees look and feel good when they go home as if they just started their day.

Here are some tips on workplace safety you’ll probably want to share with your coworkers.

1. Keep everything clean and organized

Scattered objects or spills can often cause people to slip and trip. Be sure that your workspace is always clean and fresh. Turn it into a habit to clean the spills up right away.

To make sure that nothing can get in the way and/or hurt workers, a good businessman will see that aisles are kept clean and organised.

2. Use mats on slippery floors

Alsco’s line of wet area rubber mats is an excellent solution for employee safety. They are industrial quality and are able to absorb up to 80% of water and dirt.

Strategically placed around your workplace, these mats prevent your employees from nasty falls and slips.

Besides that, Alsco provides laundry services for these mat rentals that suit your own schedule. This means we need to know when you want the job done! Call Alsco and arrange the schedule.

3. Store flammable materials the right way

If not stored properly, these flammable materials a real threat from fire hazards. Everyone’s safety is at risk! Be sure to store these materials in areas with proper ventilation.

Again, properly clean right away any spill or splatter made while working with such materials.

4. Train your employees to properly handle equipment or machinery

Every employee that handles the equipment, tools, or machines should be properly trained first.

And if there’s anyone not trained, they should never be assigned to handle heavy machinery. Instead, they should refrain themselves from it except if there’s a trained person present who can supervise.

5. Prominently mark hazardous areas

Clearly label places where dangerous equipment is stored. Also, be sure that the walkways are highlighted with necessary singes.

Mark the hazardous zones with black and white stripes or with tape. This proved to keep employees aware of possible dangers. It also helps them avoid accidents that cause severe injuries.

6. Provide employees with appropriate suits

Employees in charge of power tools have to wear the proper workwear while they operate such machinery.

They have to wear protective equipment and proper shoes for that kind of job. Only gloves that are appropriate for a certain job. They also have to fit right.

7. Everyone should be provided with first aid training

First aid stations provide your employees with a great stepping stone towards their safety and an efficient way in dealing with emergency situations. These wall-mounted stations always have to be fully stocked with a first aid kit with all necessary supplies and meds.

For advanced safety, Alsco also provides a First Aid techniques training program. It will provide your employees with useful knowledge on how to react to the first emergency signs.

This course is very thorough and it covers everything that is essential for these kinds of situations.

8. Set out evacuation procedures

This will increase safety from fires as well as from possible natural disasters such as earthquakes. Employees should be trained and able to use fire safety equipment correctly.

9. Avoid twisting or stooping

Providing your workplace with ergonomically designed furniture can prove to be useful. Also, it would be best to arrange the workspace in such way to make everything within easy reach. This prevents people from falling and other accidents.

10. Use mechanical equipment in lifting

Mechanical aid is mandatory when it comes to heavy lifting. It’s best to use a wheelbarrow, conveyor belt, crane or forklift because they prevent back injuries.

11. Be fully aware of the risks

Particular hazards specific to your job should be discussed when introducing new employees. This raises their awareness and cautiousness when moving around the workspace. It reduces risks of injury during work.

12. Avoid repetition of tasks

Vary employee’s activities so they don’t become dulled from doing one task for a long period of time. Rotating them through tasks allow them to change their activities and their posture.

13. Maintain tools properly

Workers are exempt from using forceful movements if they are using properly maintained tools, which prevents injuries as well.

14. Reduce stress level in your workplace

Long hours, job insecurity, conflicts and heavy workload are the most common causes of stress and work burn-out. They can lead to lack of concentration, sleeping difficulties and even depression.

Create a stress-free environment and promote a healthy lifestyle in your workspace.

15. Stay hydrated all the times

Motivate your employees to evenly drink water every day. Consuming more water, juices and other non-alcoholic drinks in even time periods will help regain all the fluids your employees have lost from working.

16. Make regular breaks

Employees tend to feel more fresh and alert when they have regular breaks, unlike those who don’t. Have your employees rest in a nice place. It will help them avoid injuries and burnouts.

17. Always be ready for a real emergency situation

First aid only covers the basics. But what if a true emergency happens? Cardiac arrest can happen at any time in any place.

To be prepared you’ve got to have an automated external defibrillator ready for situations like this. You and your employees must have an easy, yet effective solution to a dangerous emergency.

The HeartSine Samaritan 500P is a quality, single button operation device, and you can get it for a single annual fee.

Instructions on proper use, regular checks and maintenance are all included. Even the device itself gives easy step-by-step instructions, so everyone can use it at any time.

X has been providing quality commercial services to Australia for over 50 years. We’ve put all our experience into services you can always rely on.

Our Managed Rental Services make sure that you don’t spend too much on workplace safety. Additionally, you don’t have to worry about the functionality of any equipment you got from us. We include their upkeep in our offer.

Moreover, all our services are customizable to fit the needs of your company. Where you need us – we’ll be there. We also guarantee that we are compliant with complex WHS laws, so you can put that out of your mind, too.

Call Alsco today and we can come up with a solution that suits your needs the best.

Photo courtesy of Freepik

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