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6 Steps To Train Your Employees To Become Deep Cleaning Pros

There is no doubt, as a restaurant owner you understand the importance of hygiene.

You may even argue that you carry out scheduled cleanups several times a day.

Yet, a huge upcoming event can throw you into disarray and may expose how much more you need to be cleaning.

What do you do when you discover cobwebs on the roof, wall splatters and grime in the areas you never imagined?

Washrooms are also a key area that should not be forgotten in your cleaning schedule. Due to the high numbers of visitors, washrooms are prone to develop dirt and grime.

Washrooms carry dirt that is not always visible to the naked eye. Yet this can maim your image and lower your hygiene ratings.

Food establishments should be more vigilant when it comes to maintaining hygiene standards.

Did you know unsafe food causes more than 200 diseases? These range from diarrhoea to cancers.

Foodborne illness affects people all over the world:

  • Almost 1 in 10 people fall ill after eating contaminated food and 420,000 die every year.
  • Every year, contaminated food causes illness in 550 million people and deaths in 230, 000.

Research indicates there are more than 250 foodborne diseases.

Hand washing is important in preventing the spread of germs and disease. Hand washing:

  • Reduces the number of people who get diarrhea by 23-40%
  • Reduces related illness in people with low immune systems by 58%
  • Reduces respiratory illnesses in the population by 16-21%

Your staff members are the front line in the implementation of a good hygiene policy.

They are the forebearers in maintaining the cleaning standards set for your business.

Employees cannot do it alone. They need your support and commitment through training.

No matter what your business is, training your employees on cleanliness has benefits:

  • It provides employees with confidence in their quality of service
  • Makes employees efficient, more productive and happier
  • Reduces the spread of infections and diseases
  • Creates a safer, healthier environment
  • Training gives your company an edge over others
  • In the long run, training helps in cutting cost


Steps Involved in Training Your Staff:

Are you looking for a sustainable solution to cleaning problems?

How about getting experienced experts to clean and train your employees.

  • They will offer you the highest quality cleaning service.
  • They will customise their services to meet your needs.
  • They will provide you with environmentally friendly cleaning products.


  1. Establish Hygiene Standards to Be Adhered to in Your Restaurant

Deep clean services Alsco’s Deep Clean Services eliminates all mould, mildew and fungi.

Customers are very specific on the kind of restaurant they chose to step in to. Restaurant hygiene plays a major role in determining their decision.

Establishing hygiene standards help in keeping your staff and your visitors safe. It is also important in maintaining a positive perception of your restaurant.

Hygiene standards provide a sense of direction for both trainers and trainees. Trainers can identify blind spots and help your employees improve these areas.

Trainees are fast learners and will quickly adapt to areas they were previously missing out on.

Examples of hygiene standards include:

Personal Hygiene Practices and Cleanliness Standards

  1. Food handlers must do their best to avoid food contamination.

    They should:

  • Dress in proper workwear
  • Follow special handwashing rules
  • Report to their supervisors when they feel sick

Instead of encouraging staff to come to work when they are feeling unwell, to avoid being short-staffed. Create an environment where staff feel comfortable to call in sick. No one likes a sneezing server or runny-nosed chef.

  1. Food Hygiene

    Food handlers have a huge responsibility in enhancing food safety.

    An effective way of meeting hygiene standards is by ensuring staff are well trained on:

  • Proper handling
  • Storage
  • Cleaning techniques


  1. Washroom Hygiene

    Your washroom hygiene speaks volumes about the way you run your business. It also impacts on the morale of your workers and your visitors.

  • Schedule a regular cleaning routine
  • Enforce washroom etiquette
  • Hire deep cleaning service experts


  1. Proper Handwashing

    Dirty hands can lead to the spread of germs and diseases.

    Proper handwashing entails the use of water and handwashing soap. It also means that you have to provide the best hand drying options for your staff and customers.

    2. Provide All the Necessary Equipment and Supplies

Use of practical skills ensures your trainees understand how they should conduct business.

Better knowledge and skills can also help in boosting employee morale. Happy employees are likely to stay longer at your company.

Provide all the necessary equipment and supplies needed in the deep cleaning training.

Effective training must ensure that trainers and trainees are well equipped. From brushes and scourers to gloves, all these resources have an impact on training.

For trainers, a supply of all they need ensures that the training runs smoothly and is productive. It also enables them to monitor the progress of the trainees.

3. Request for Feedback From Your Trainees

Feedback is valuable information that can be used to implement future improvements. As a restaurant owner, it is important to request feedback from your trainees.

Check for the knowledge gained by your employees by gauging how much they are able to share.

Go through activities performed in training to see how much they actually learnt. How much are they sharing with the junior staff?

Reviewing training helps identify any grey areas trainees may not be satisfied with.

It also helps you know how the trainees reacted to the training. If they found it valuable, you can learn how to improve future learning experiences.

Feedback is also important for trainers. It can help them look for ways to improve on future engagements.

4. Evaluate Training Results

The best way to test training results is to see if what was trained is being adhered to. Can you identify any changes after training is complete?

The way to tell that training has been effective is by measuring its impact on your staff.

Training that is impactful leads to improvements in cleanliness. It also leads to a change of attitude amongst workers and an increase in productivity.

How About Starting That Deep Cleaning Training Today?

Employee training is key in meeting hygiene standards set out by the government.

Providing proper training is essential in getting the job done safely and efficiently.

Training your employees helps in improving their capabilities and boosting their morale.

A well-trained employee is an important asset of the company.

While many companies offer deep cleaning training services, be sure to enlist the right company for the best results.

Photo: Sean Mulgrew

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